Yesterday I attempted a 5K after a long, long break. I must say I am still suffering from long Covid, more than I like to admit, but the sun and the weather made me crave a nice relaxing run after an intense day of gardening and writing. You know how it is with a few days off from your 9 to 5; you are suddenly busier on your days off work. But the garden needed the makeover and I had to try a little run afterwards.
I managed 5K in a reasonable time but had to stop with walking breaks, but it felt so good to be out there. This year will be a different running season, no pace, no races, just me and the road. Got a “no” from the London Marathon as well, 4 years in a row with a no, but this year I am more willing to accept it. How is your running going? Any exciting locations to share? This season will be all for mindful running, how about that?
5K for the win!
Published inRunning