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Exciting News: Jack from The Five Streets is back!

Jack seconds mystery is now available on Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble! I feel deeply privileged to have published my second book, and I am grateful for how successful the launch has been!
Jack is travelling worldwide, bringing excitement and happiness to all the people willing to spend some time with the cats from The Five Streets. Seeing my written words printed and sent out to everyone is amazing. Thank you all so very much; it means a lot to me!
I am taking a break from writing until the new year but be assured the third book is already shaping up in my mind, and I wrote the opening scene already. So be very aware, as the world of Jack, the Rats, and all the Cats in The Five Streets are to change forever.
Please let me know what you think about the new adventure in the Sewers. I am curious, did you guess the right? Does Jack keep you entertained? Who is your favourite character?
I will now be spending a lot of time on marketing activities. If anyone has a good idea, please share. As you know, self-publishing is very time intensive, and I am still learning a lot. If you feel like it, help me spread the word about Jack and his friends, it will help me a lot, and mouth-to-mouth endorsements are the best. And if you can, please leave a review on Amazon to help Jack grow.

Published inWriting