Hello, Fans of Jack!
I know it has been a while since we last had contact, but life is busy at the moment. Sometimes it feels like we are all too busy and time is very limited for the things we enjoy most. Writing is one of those things for me. Book III is in good progress and we are now over 42K word count. The story is unfolding in an interesting way, let me tell you Jack is in for a ride this time. Lots has changed since we met him the last time. He is doing okay but has to face some old and new problems in and around the Five Streets. I cannot wait to tell you all more about the new book but I need to stop myself otherwise I will spoil the moment.
I am still planning to self-publish as so far only one agent replied to my letters and it was a no. It is a long process and is part of it. Luckily we live in the time we live and self-publishing is easier now than ever. It takes time and care. But so far Jack and his friends have travelled all over the world thanks to Amazon and their fantastic KDP service. I only can imagine how many good books never made it out here to us in the old days. Launch of Jack’s next adventure is planned for October, pre-orders are live on Amazon (hint)
Speaking of time and care, we have a new family member, Mia Cat! Mia joined as a few weeks ago and she is a raggy shaggy kitten. She brings a new spark into our life after Nina, Gina, Buddy, and Monsieur Jaque have left us over the last couple of years. You know, once a cat person, always a cat person. And MooMoo enjoys the little spark in her life tremendously! You need to see both playing and having a lot of “zoomie” moments when they run through the house and chase each other like lunatics!
I hope you all are safe out there where ever you are, try to take a little step back sometimes during the day, and appreciate what you have, and who you have. We need to remember why we are here!
World End WIP / Launch date
Published inWriting